whisper-WHP Teens Equity Center POP Display Stand


Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the world's largest consumer goods company giants. 

P&G is our company's largest and longest-serving customer, nearly 20 years of in-depth cooperation. One Plus Display Products grew up with the growth of P&G.

We designed the product display stand/retail display tables for WHP Teens Equity Center. To attract young female consumers, we adopted two contrasting color which both are young and fantasy to shape the intuitive sense for this store display stand to bring a young brand image for this product. 

Besides, there are two details of this product:

  1. Dynamic Turntable: Use solar energy to achieve continuous rotation of the turntable.
  2. Fun Pink Pig: Using acrylic, hardware, plastic, and other materials ingeniously blended to achieve the appearance, cost and safety optimization. 

We deliver End-to-End retail Solutions, personalized services for each client. From tradition to innovation, from the metal, wood, acrylic, injection, glass material to digital executions. View more related cases.