P&G-HR Smart Vending Machine


Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the world's largest consumer goods company giants. 

P&G is our company's largest and longest-serving customer, nearly 20 years of in-depth cooperation. One Plus Display Products grew up with the growth of P&G.

This HC smart vending machine is an interactive display container with the following functions: 

  1. Data Statistics: Collect passenger flow data (pass, stay, receive), and use these data to follow up consumers. 
  2. Data Collection: Collect consumer characteristics, age, gender, smile, etc. Each face has a unique number. Consumers will register to fill out a questionnaire. The raw data enables retailers and brands for deep learning and big data analysis. 
  3. Experience: Educate consumers through interactive video advertising, experience and more. 
  4. Consumer Drainage: Guide consumers to register members, give out product samples to consumers and encourage them to try our products, as well as introduce new products to consumers. 
  5. Coupons: Give out coupons to consumers, and therefore, help to boost sales and improve conversion rate. 
  6. Notification: When the registered members come to the stores for gifts, the smart system can immediately provide this member's behavior data to the NC of the store, and help NC accurately sell suitable products to the consumer.

The technologies work together to enhance operational efficiencies and to provide sales uplift and valuable data. It is also a great leap for P&G and Rising Display Products' cooperation.

With 5 years of digital shelf display product design and manufacturing experience, Rising has been providing more intelligent products in offline stores, to replicate key benefits of the online experience into physical retail environments. View more related cases