P&G-Stack Base POP Display


Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the world's largest consumer goods company giants. 

P&G is our company's largest and longest-serving customer, nearly 20 years of in-depth cooperation. One Plus Display Products grew up with the growth of P&G.

This retail display cube is the D-max system we designed for P&G (more P&G cases). Each component is modular and can be combined according to requirements. Moreover, since it is a paper display case, the stack base can be recycled by replacing the printing panel. Equiped with these display cubes for retail,every store can implement the new campaign quickly and also save the cost.

We deliver End-to-End retail Solutions, personalized services for each client. From tradition to innovation, from the metal, wood, acrylic, injection, glass material to digital executions. View more related cases.
